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Posts : 22
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Join date : 2013-07-30
Age : 38
Location : Sovereign Country of Caloocan

PostSubject: FORUM RULES    FORUM RULES  EmptyMon Sep 16, 2013 5:50 pm

Welcome and thank you for joining the "ANIME SKY OFFICIAL" forums. 
Were glad that you were able to join our community and we highly appreciate your presence. indeed you truly are a loyal anime sky "Skymate" and you deserve our respect. 
Anime sky's Achievements and Milestones wouldn't be even made possible without the efforts of our members may it be big or small we wouldn't made it this far without your support and the support of your fellow skymate (members of anime sky)so once again thank you very much and god bless you!
----- GENERAL FORUM RULES----------
In order For our forums to operate in Harmony and in Peace for the benefit of all members,administrators,moderators,staffs and the founder himself all we ask of you is to take note of our Rules.
Keep in mind that some rules are specific and examples will be provided as shown which clearly states that the above type of contents formats or posts are deemed inappropriate and such actions violates our forum rules and regulations 
We at anime sky encourages all our members , moderators and staff  to use their own considered judgement when handling inappropriate content specified in the list.
----LIST OF RULES----------
The use of Profane language
- In general any member who uses profane language against a co member , Forum Moderator , Administrator , Staffs and of course the founder will be considered as an inappropriate behavior and could result to any of the ff. penalties 
- Warning for first time offenders- suspension of account for 2nd time offenders - Permanent ban (Perma Ban)
The use of profane or should i say foul languages is only allowed at the debate forums sections (VIEW THE DEBATE RULES THIS IS IMPORTANT! )
As this is an English-speaking community, we require that posted content be in the English language, so that it can be well received and properly monitored.
Spamming the forums with links to your product or a websiteis strictly prohibited do not spam the forums with your business or promote a certain website , product or brand 
Unsolicited messages are strictly prohibited. posts that have irrelevant,nonsensical contents or unauthorized advertising within the forum will automatically be deleted by our forum moderators.
Spamming includes - Replying or Posting with only a   - Posting Less than 2 or 3 words- Posts not related to the main topic - Threads with no proper description
Thread Bumping
"Thread bumping" is the act of posting in a thread, with the sole goal of getting it back to the top of the thread list. Some people thread bump because their thread wasn't noticed during a busy time, while others bump threads just because they want to.
- Thread bumping is only allowed within (24hrs)
-bumping threads that has been inactive for a period of 2 - 4   weeks to a month or less than the time interval given are not allowed.  Any form of abuse with regard to this rule will be dealt with accordingly.
Cross posting is not allowed and will result in the removal of one or more posts. Cross posting is defined as posting the same information in two or more locations. When posting your topic, please try to post it in the most appropriate place within the organizational structure of our community. Identical topics posted in the same or different forums will be removed.feel free to ask a moderator if your not sure where to post
Refrain from posting any Copyrighted material (videos , music, software's)within the forums Do not upload, attach, or otherwise post any copyrighted material which you are not free to redistribute (Refers to the licensing of a certain brand or product or media)
if you want to share a certain media such as videos from youtube dailymotion or Nico nico douga or arts from pixiv and deviantart make it sure to put credits (posts that do not provide credits to the author shared within anime sky forums will automatically be deleted by the forum mods)
Anime sky does not participate in illegal activities such as hacking , cracking of softwares , development of viruses or malwarez and spamming. any posts having this kind of violation will be edited , reviewed or even be deleted with the poster being banned temporarily or permanently depending on the gravity of the offense upon the forum moderators discretion.
Please Refrain from posting images and videos with - Sexual content (Hentai / Just PORN! )- Disturbing images (GORE / MUTILATION / DEFECATION Human dismemberment) in any form- Images that promote violence,nudity hate and racism
This violation will not be tolerated and if any member is caught with this violation he/she will be dealt with accordingly.
Avatars and Signatures that exceeds the allowed maximum size is not allowed the use of flash embedded objects such as banners games mp3 music players or ad banners are strictly forbidden. Members caught doing this will be dealt with accordingly
SIZE Dimensions 
Avatar: 148(Width) x 250(Height)Signature: 500(Width) x 250(Height)User Bar: 500(Width) x 40(Height)Vertical Signature: 200(Width) x 350(Height)
Users posting links or promoting pyramiding scams , Networking ,free products and Get rich quick schemes are prohibited posts and signatures that violates this rule will be edited or deleted upon the forum moderators discretion. any new users who is proven to be posting this kind of posts will automatically be banned and if any member is associated with it will either be banned temporarily or permanently. 
TROLLING AND FLAMING (These rules must not be taken so Lightly)- Trolling
Deliberate acts of provocation against a co member (Skymate)administrators , staffs and moderators of anime sky  with aninsulting attitude through posts or private messages is strictly prohibitedviolators will be dealt with accordingly.
we consider the nature of this posts to be annoying and disruptivein the harmony of our community and does not promote friendship and camaraderie within our members. so appropriate actions will be given to offenders of this violation.
Posts that contains offensive material such as racism , sexist , gore,discriminatory , obscene and vulgar (Pornographic materials) thatviolates both international and local laws stated in your country oforigin will be removed and violators will have an account suspension to a permanent ban 
Posts that contains offensive material such as racism , sexist , gore,discriminatory , obscene and vulgar (Pornographic materials) thatviolates both international and local laws stated in your country of     origin will be removed and violators will have an account suspension to a permanent ban. 
Personal attacks such as Bullying,belittling,Threats and insults or deliberately talking about the in-competencies of certain Anime sky member,staff or administrator will not be tolerated and will be dealt with heavy penalties by suspension of account or a permanent ban
Respect is the name of the game. You must respect your fellow members. Please refrain from inflammatory and defamatory comments as well as flaming, taunting, and general disrespect. Do not simply put down the opinion or advice given by others. If you don't agree with it, say why - respectfully. Don't just tell them they're wrong. Do not make uninvited remarks about typos, duplicate posts, posting styles, etc.
Participating in a one on one disagreements,arguments or personal disputes is being discouraged by us here at anime sky. we advise all our members to refrain from participating on the said acts including rants against a certain person,community,brand or any other organization related to anime manga and cosplay. anime sky extends its friendship to different otaku organizations may it be local or international, so please avoid ranting about any in-competencies of a certain person or organization which may severe our friendly ties / relations with our partners and otaku organizations in the community.
All posts and topics should be made professional and always observe courtesy. You as member has every right to disagree with your fellow skymates opinion based on your own perspective.
However you as member does not have any right to Insult,Belittle,Bully or Degrade or rant about the quality and service of this community, this rule applies to all including me so you as a member is expected to follow and uphold this rule no matter what. doing so will result to penalties which includes banning of your account Temporarily or Permanently if the situation goes out of hand and becomes severe (This rule is implemented by the Forum Moderators discretion)
The anime sky team consists of highly respected skilled people providing Voluntary services beneficial for this community and such they have to be treated with high respects. any abusive forms of contact with any of our staffs  administrators and moderators at a thread or posts will be considered as a violation and we at Anime sky will take appropriate actions against that act of abuse. the moderator of the forum has the right to provide penalties if he / she felt being abused or offended in any way.  
-ECCHI Photos-

Anime sky allows Ecchi photos 
which are limited to...

1. Swimsuits  (Summer themed Fanservice)
2. Angle Shots (Panty shots)
3. General Fanservice (Decent screenshots only)

However you as a member is "NOT ALLOWED" to post

1. Photos that depicts sexual act or has strong sexual connotations
2. Nude anime photos (Even if it is an Artwork)
3. Exposure of a woman's sensitive parts 
4. Hentai materials / Tentacles 
5. Degrading photos and Sexual torture 


If you want to post an Eroge title make it sure that the photo cover title of the game does not display nudity or sexual act 

should you provide links Label it with NSFW 

Post format 




1 - Personal insults (Flaming and Trolling) of other members will not be tolerated. 
If you wish for other people to respect your points of view, then you must also respect theirs. Remember, we debate issues here, not individuals. If you cannot present your position on an issue without resorting to insults, then there's a good chance that your position is not very strong to begin with.
Keep the debate forums as professional as possible just because your point is not heard or did not get any support from a fellow member or you lost a debate in a certain topic that means you can Argue or start ranting against a member that leads to a fight or a heated argument remember forum mods will never show mercy whenever they see something wrong with your posts or topics 
2 - Keep foul language to a minimum.  (the use of foul languages should be kept to a minimum level and can only be done on the debate forums) 
This forum is open to all ages, and while swearing sometimes helps to get a point across, posts laden with curse words will be edited and possibly deleted so that they remain suitable for younger members to read.
Note : The use of foul languages must not target a member a staff admin , moderator or the anime sky creator and of course god 
3 - Stick to the subject.
This is not a chat forum, and threads are periodically pruned to eliminate "spam." If your post does not contribute to the topic in any way, it will be deleted. If you wish to carry on a friendly conversation with another member, please do so using Private Messages.
You may post a link to another site that addresses the thread topic, but any link that has nothing to do with said topic and contains inappropriate contents will be removed. 
4 - Informal debates.
Not every topic in the debates forum needs to be a social controversy. If you wish to debate whether Misaka Mikoto can beat Mikasa Ackerman in an arm wrestling match, feel free to do so. 
5- Duplicate posts will be removed. 
6- Do not post pornography or any other kind of graphic imagery.
we said it before and we will say it again absolutely no Pornographic and gore stuff 
7- Politics and Religion (This is an Anime Forum site)
Political and religious discussions are not allowed on this website. If it is believed that the end result of a discussion will be political or religious, the post may be removed. Likewise, strong political and religious sentiments should be kept out of profiles, signatures, and other content.
8- Take advantage of this forum! 
This forum provides an excellent learning opportunity by allowing open-minded people to see things from the viewpoints of others. You may take any position you like on an issue, but be prepared to back up your opinion with facts. 
The internet can be an invaluable learning tool ... if you're prepared to use it as such.
Moderators and myself have the final say on anything. If you have a problem, you may make a complaint to them directly and not publicly on the forums. Creating threads or posts that question or reference administrative decisions or potential administrative decisions, such as post removals and thread closures, is not permitted. We are not perfect and if you feel that we have made a mistake, please privately contact a staff member and we will review the situation. If you would like a copy of your removed post so that you can adjust it and repost, please contact us. As long as we wouldn't prefer you to simply start over, we'll be glad to send you a copy.
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